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Replace Your Air Freshener with Homemade Using Therapeutic Oils | Earth's Natural Healings Replace Your Air Freshener with Homemade Using Therapeutic Oils | Earth's Natural Healings
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Replace Your Air Freshener with Homemade Using Therapeutic Oils

More people recognize that filling their home with chemical-laden products could have potentially hazardous health effects. If one of the products you’ve had trouble giving up is air fresheners, you should know that there is a better option. You can replace your air freshener with a homemade version using high-quality therapeutic oils from Young Living. The base formula for an 8-ounce glass spray bottle is ¾ cup of water (any type will do, but I prefer distilled), 2 tablespoons of real vanilla extract, rubbing alcohol, witch hazel or vodka, and your favorite essential oil combination from the choices below – or experiment and create your own using 10 to 15 drops of your favorite therapeutic oils.

Therapeutic Oils

  • Citrus Splendor – 5 drops each of orange, lemon, lime and grapefruit
  • Citrus Mint – 10 drops orange and 8 drops peppermint
  • Flower Power – 8 drops lavender, 5 drops geranium, and 4 drops grapefruit
  • Odor Control – 8 drops lemon, 6 drops eucalyptus, and 4 drops melaleuca
  • Forest Stroll – 7 drops white fir, 6 drops cedarwood, and 5 drops frankincense
  • Focus Blend – 10 drops peppermint and 8 drops rosemary
  • Relaxation – 5 drops lavender, 3 drops Roman chamomile, and 2 drops cedarwood
  • Holiday Cheer – 4 drops orange, 4 drops pine, 2 drops cinnamon bark
  • Linen Fresh – 5 drops lavender, 3 drops ylang ylang, and 1 drop cedarwood

Young Living offers hundreds of therapeutic oils, including singles and blends, each with unique constituents that can support overall health and wellness. Not only do you enjoy a nice scent in your home, but you can enjoy other benefits at the same time. You can also diffuse therapeutic oils for continual coverage throughout a room. Here at Earth’s Natural Healings, I am more than happy to help you develop an air freshener blend that will address your specific needs. Contact me today with any questions you may have.