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Earth's Natural HealingsMon
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Earth's Natural HealingsMon

Young Living Essential Oils: Highlight on Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood

When one thinks about Hawaii, they can’t help but think about nature, tropical scents, and rare species of plants found nowhere else on earth. The Hawaiian sandalwood tree is one of those unique species, and from it, we are able to enjoy an essential oil that happens to be great for your skin. Young Living Essential Oils is the best source, as their Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood essential oil is harvested without endangering what almost became extinct due to overharvesting and deforestation. Through participation in the Kona Sandalwood Reforestation Project, Young Living harvests only dead or dying sandalwood. Since this is also when the highest percentage of oil is possible to obtain, it is a win-win situation.

Young Living Essential Oils is the best source

There are several ways that you can use Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood. First of all, you can obtain a bottle of the essential oil itself and add a drop or two to your favorite moisturizer. Young Living Essential Oils also offers beauty products with this essential oil already in it, including Boswellia Wrinkle Cream™ and Sandalwood Moisture Cream™. You can also use this oil in a diffuser. It has an uplifting aromatic effect and can be diffused during meditation or apply to your wrists, shoulders, or the back of the neck to aid in relaxation. Another suggestion is to put a couple of drops on a cotton ball and put it in the AC vent of your vehicle to aid in relaxing during your commute.

If you would like to know more about Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood from Young Living Essential Oils, contact me at Earth’s Natural Healings. I’ll be happy to help you determine if this essential oil is the best option for what you would like to experience, as well as go over other essential oils from this amazing company that can make a difference in your life.