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Earth's Natural HealingsMon
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Earth's Natural HealingsMon

Understanding the Holistic Nature of Essential Oils

When you consider how many different essential oils are out there, it may seem overwhelming to decide which ones to add to your holistic wellness routine or have on hand as a natural option to one of life’s challenges. There can be quite a bit of comfort in turning to nature for solutions, but it is also important to understand that using essential oils does involve learning about how to use them to support overall wellness.

essential oils can be used as a supplement to support various body systems

Using essential oils is not like going to the OTC aisle of your local drug store and seeing something that says it aids or cures a particular ailment. It is more about finding the right essential oil for you, and that means looking at the constituents in the oils and what body system they support. A good start if you want a selection that will have multiple benefits is to look at the six oils that are often referred to as the Swiss Army Knife of oils – Young Living’s Thieves® blend, which contains lemon, cedarwood, frankincense, lavender, and peppermint essential oils.

Each of these oils has uses around your home to make it a healthier place for you and your family. With the exception of cedarwood, these essential oils can be used as a supplement to support various body systems. Additional benefits can be achieved with topical use and/or diffusing. Here are just a few things to know about these six powerful essential oils:

  • Thieves® blend – Powerful antioxidants for overall wellness; diffuse for a relaxing aroma*
  • Lemon – Useful for your beauty routine and a tasty addition to recipes, as well as a natural household cleaner that eliminates odors*
  • Cedarwood – Deter pests and use for skin care and healthy hair*
  • Frankincense – Promote healthy skin and provide a grounding environment, as well as soothe sore muscles when added to a massage*
  • Lavender – Create a relaxing and calming environment, use for skin care, and add to both savory and sweet dishes*
  • Peppermint – Supports the gastrointestinal system, including gut function and digestion*

Feel free to reach out to me at Earth’s Natural Healings to learn more about the holistic benefits of essential oils and the Young Living line of products that can support your overall health. I will be happy to work with you to select the essential oils that are best for your wellness goals.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease. Consult a physician before starting any weight-management or exercise program.